The Psychology Behind Remaining in Toxic Relationships Have you ever known someone — a friend, a family member, or an acquaintance — who’s essentially stuck in a romantic relationship that’s unhealthy? And when I say unhealthy , I’m not referencing circumstantial discord and bumps in the road; it’s more of an inherent lack of compatibility where troubling, or even disturbing , issues ensue. Chances are, many of us have heard accounts of toxic relationships that continue to persist. Granted, as an outsider, we never truly know what another’s relationship is like on a day-to-day basis, nor are we privy to their emotional intimacies on a deeper level; however, the ‘outsider perspective’ also allows us to listen and observe from a clean slate; from a place of clarity. Whether it’s a sad and unfortunate case of emotional abuse, or whether you consistently hear (from one or both parties) that there’s fundamental differences and real chronic problems, these romantic relat...